Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

Í. The fecond life foradmo- nitíon. }low to get into covenant with God. The third life for ad- monition. The life comfort. n Expefitionofthe27. Pfalme. Vert is in the power of his might : put on the wholearmour of God : the girdle oftruth : the breft-plateof righteoufneffe: fhooes ofpeace ( which be Chriftian patience ) : the fhield of faith : the helmet offalvation : the fwordof the fpirit:. and prayer for 4rength, skill and bleffing , in theufe of all the former. Secondly, ifwe findedefef in the fore-namedblet3ìngs, we mat give all diligence thereunto : as 2 Pet. 1. 5, tic. to the i o. verfe. And the way is, toget rightly into covenant with God through Chrift Jefus, in whom God becomes all thingsunto u , that be needful]) efpecially for our fpirituall welfare. And to get into covenant , we mutt both repent of our finnas, for fo 7ohnprepared the way before Chrift, Matth. 3. 3 and made ready a people for him, L41.17. Alfo labour to get the graceoffaith , for that is engrafting grace. Rom. I i. 17, zo. Now the meanes of both thefe is the word and prayer. The law prepares the heart for grace, by the fight offïnne , and by working humiliationfor fin : as, Rom. 7. i i. i Cor. 14. 24, 25. TheGofpel is theword ofhis grace, . liar 20. 32. and by the bleffing ofthe fpirit is immortal! feed, i `Pet. I. 23, 25. it is theword offaith, Rom. io. 8, 17 and prayer obtains the fpirit, Luk. I 1.13. which is the fpirit offaith, 3 Cor. 4. i 3. therefore the Dif- ciples. by prayer fought faithof Chrift. Luk 17. 5. Thirdly in the fruition of any of thefè bleffings , fee whether to return the honour and praife, namely , to him, that became all thefe toDavid. And indeed , thus have the godly, for force one or more ofthefe, continuali caufe of praiíc, and thanks to God. Therefore we muff in all things give thank!. i Thef. 5. 18. for For comfort, this makes greatly to the godly, whomake confcience of their wayes, and endeavour to keep covenant with God. For, God will become all thefe unto them, as he was to David : whereupon they may rejoyce, as , Pfat. 21. 1. and fay they í11a11 not lack, as Pfal. 23. 1. for their God is all futlicient for them, as Ç. 17.1. We have ken what God became to David: now .wee cone