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68 Araxpefition ofthe 27. PfalPne. Verf 8. goodne[fe of their heart, they have as good an heart to Godward as the belt : which if it were true, Chrift was deceived in the place aforenamed,either make the tree good and his fruit good ; or the tree evil!, and his fruit evil!, as alfoPfal. 78.8, 36, 37. theold Iewes were a ftubborn and rebelliousgeneration, a generation that fet not their heart aright they (battered himwith their mouth, and lyed unto himwith their tongue : for their heart was not right withhim. The fecond Sccondly, fee in David a doubleproperty of thegodly : Use for in- Firit, to make particular application to himfelfof generali firuftion, commands, given to all Gods people : as Pfal. 4- .7. Sodid ?ofeph, Gen. 39. 9. Secondly, that the heart ofthe godly is fet to Peek the face ofGod tobe made partaker ofhis grace and favour inChrift. See Davids fpeech toZadokwhen he brought out the ark, 2 Sam. 15. 2c, 26. But moil plain it is in that ofPaul, Phil. 3. 7, 8, 9. -what things -sere gain The firlf U(e to me, thole I counted loffefor Chrifl",&c. fçr ad Toni For admonition two wayes. Firf}, to get fuch an heart, úon. as doth mimic the commandementsof God , anddoth un- dertake for obedience thereto : fo did Davids. This indeed none hath by nature: for every imagination of the thoughts ofmans heart , is evil! continually. Gen. 6. g. meaning fo long as the heart remaines naturali unfanetified. There- fore they, that would have a good heart like David, mutt wait upon God in the ufe of means , ordained by him for the betteringof mans heart. That it is Gods work is plain, Ezek. 36. 25', 26. IWill take away your finny heart, and giveyou an heart o ffief> : and therefore is regeneration cal- led a new creation, 2 Cor. 5'. 17. which is a work proper to God. Yet God is pleafed todo it in the ufe of means , enjoyned to men;wlaich when we ufe in obedience to God, we have title tohis blefïing. Now themeans to get a good heart is, to be exercifed much in the word andprayer : for in thefe ordinances is the fpirit given, which renewes the foule : as for the word is plain, X111s le. 44. Gal. 3.2 . and for prayer, Lske I i t 3. Now the obedient manner of u-