Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

leCÍOU ' Pi* wicked turn from his way and live, Ezek.3 3. z I. and in fwearing,God iperl,Thvnv.interpofes him- felf, as the word is, FIeb.6.1 .pawns his life and eìïence upon it, tomake the thing wholly .irre- eatable and immutable, and thereby to raife up firong and invincible confolation in eus, and therefore I refign. Thus far of the fecond thing, refignation for. pardon and juftiffication. 2hirdly,Faith tefigns up the foul to be fanaifi- ed. Sanctification Rands in two things, mortifi- cation of (in,and vivification of the foul, and for both thefe faith yields up the foul. Arid to ob- fervethe promifed order; Firft, This refignation is made to fits Chriff the Mediator. And firft touching Mortification; the believer yields his foul to Chrift in- a three- fold refpe6. Firfl, He yields up his foul to Chrift as the grandfamplar of mortification. What Chri l fuf- fered in his pure fleth by way of expiation, that mutt we:fuffer.ins our corrupt fleth by way of mortification. His body was nailed to the crofs till the foul feparated from it;&c the body of fin mutt be fo nailed, till the foul,the will,and love, and delight of fin depart. He was free in laying down his life and blood, and fo mutt we be in laying down the life and blood of the old Adam: 'Tis true,the flefh relu ±s and-fays,asChrifts hu- mane nature, Oh ! let this cup paß from me, but -the fpirit is willing,and cries out,Father, thy mil he done, even in the death of my darling lulls. - Chrift died a violent death,and fin mutt not dye a.