Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

plectouo gait!). 1 1 7 himfelf for all grace. The Socinians grace,fuch as is fuppofed to iffue forth without the fatisfa- dion of Chrift,is not indeed the grace of God, but a fancy,an idol of their own heart, He that abideth not in the doctrine ofChrift,hath not God, faith S.John, a 7oh. 7).9. therefore fuch an one mull not be received, or faluted with God ffreed, v.io. Let the Socinian, who abides not in the doctrine of a redeeming and fatisfying Chrift, cry up free - grace, and that (as he thinks) in the pureft and higheft firains, without all money and price, even without that of the Mediator. After all this he bath not God or free -grace in the right notion of it,the true believer dares not entertain fuch a grace, or lay xGrAfe to it, left he lhould Nell an Idol, and rejoyce in a thing of nought; fuch a grace is a meer firanger to Scri- pture,and therefore faith, whole skill is only in that Dialec,cannot own it,though humane rea- fon fpeak never fo fair for it. Again, would a believer have mortification ? he would have it in Gods way, he leeks it not Macedonians- like, by ftanding in a ditch all the day,nor as the Fa- leftine- monks,by`lying as dead unburied men on the earth, nor with the Papiftr, by Pilgrimages and outward pennances, nor with the Flagel'an- tes,in their fcour`ging and bloody whipping their own bodies. No,this is not Gods way,in all this Pageantry ofmortification, they are at hoftility with nature rather then with fnn,and in fhootiing ail their arrows at the body,they coifs the mark, the chief feat of fin in the heart: l\Tefciunt f uper- .(fitiori (faith a Learned man) Deurrt amare I 3 mutationerra