Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

r26 aleeiougi faitij. lem of e renatis imo &' facilem obfervatu ; but alafs there are' but dreams and not as of faith. Its true,the believer groaning under the burden of tin,wifhes nothing more then 'inlet's' perfeEti- on,he works, he walks, he prays, he weeps,he runs,he firives, but after all he may not believe finlefs perfection attainable here ; not but that the grace of God in Chrifi is fufficient to effec it,but there is no channel for fuch a grace to run in,no promife in all the word to bottom fuch a perfüafion upon : there is a promife for the fub- cluing of iniquity,but not for the annihilating it, a promife that fin (hall not reign in us, but none that it fhall not be ; therefore the believer would not feek for that in himfelf,which is only found in Cbrifl,nor for that on earth which is referved for heaven ; that mercy or comfort which is not let down in the promife, faith Both not expert or look for. 7rubern a German Divine on his deathbed, feeking comfort, fpake thus, textum, textum volo,let me have the text, the text, well knowing that comfort ftreams out in the pro - mifes; the believer is ever for one promife or other, to give advantage to his faith in its afcenlion to God for mercy and com- fort. Fourthly, his refignation is a voluntary a6l. It path been difputed between Romani/Ls and Proteftants, where the feat of faith is, whether in the Vnderf Landing only, or in the Will alto the Aponte clearly determines it, with the heart man beli eveth, Korn. r o. r o. the heart includeth both faculties,ad of ì f dei virtutis concurrit anus rationis