Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

1 CtiOUO à.ïtÙ, 179 the Magitialts in the world ; when Satan fhews himfelf in Magical apparitions, he Both but mock the fènfe and delude the mìnd,but when God (hews him forth in the word, he appears in his proper colours and true like - nefs ; the believer knows him to be of Very great power, a ruler of darknefl, a Prince, nay a God of this world ©ne that can do great things without in the elqnents, and within in the pal lions , a mighty Leviathan , who can make the heart boil as a pot and foam out its own flume , and - withal' he knows that this roaring Lyon is in a chain , and can - nxt go beyond his commiflion. Again, the believer knows him to be an old ferpent full of methods and devifes, turning every none, waiting upon every occafion , complying, with every temper , and putting on every thape ; in his temptations, now in the drefs and pomp of earthly things, and then in Sa- muels Mantle , transforming himfeif into an Angel of light ; fometimes carrying men up into the mountain of the world, and glorify- ing vanity before them ; and fometianes let- ting them on a pinacle of the Temple, to call them down by the pride of their own du- ties ; now fpeaking in the Language of Na- ture, Matter Bare thy felf, and anon in the Language of Scripture, it is written thus and thus, and all that he may devour, or, as it is in the Original , drink up , i Pet. 5. 8. fouls , as if he lived upon fpirits , and no blood would ferre him but that of fouls : And. N 2 with