Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

PP /cctouo j a tD. is. God (faith he) is the firfl Mover, he moves the heavens and thole other bodies fubalternate- ly; fo God is the univerfal caufe, and all the wheels in nature move under . him > only con- tingent things, which are not within the chain of natural caufality, `teem according to Ariffotie not to be adminiared by God.. Epicurus, who makes the world tO - confifl of a fortuitous con= court of infinite etit Atoms, Owns no Provi- dence at all : God will not break his refs 211 ferene tranquility with any mundane affairs,and indeed in reafon a world made by chance muff be fo governed. The Stoicks in Read of Provi- dence brought in a Fate, or abfolute nece(Iïty, refulting out of a feries or connexion of caufes, . and binding God himfelf as well as other things. Plutarch relating how Timoleon was ftrangely delivered from two murderers, iirflead of ac- knowledging a Providence, wonders at the ar- tifice of Fortune. Nay, meer reafon is apt to vilifie the great works of God : thus force laid that Moir, in Head of dividing the Sea, did but take the advantage of a low Tyde to carry the.I'aelites over the wallies, when it was low water. But when the light of faith comes, the hand of God is feen in every thing, not only in the great moments of nature, but even in the fall of#arrotrs and numbring of hairs. Thus far of Reafon with the Creature -glafs before it ; but to go on. Secondly, Take reafon with the Scripture- glafs before it, and this fupernatural light is yet above it. And here I mull firft admit what C a reafon. -J