Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

Plecfotto 3 7 CHAP. III. Qf the fecond art of Precioto Faith, the belief of the T eflimony of God in she Scriptures: What manner of belief it is, and the confequents of it, in order to an hod felf- refignation. THU S far of the fixft thing in Faith,fuper- natural illumination.I now proceed to the 4econd, A belief of the tejlimony of .God in tl e Scriptures : and here I need ufe no words to prove this belief an ingredient in Faith,for faith in the Grammatical notion of it, is nothing elk but a belief of a Teftimony ; and, being applied to God,it is a belief of his Teftimony in Scrip- ture. Only I (hall open two things ; tìrll, what manner of belief of the divine teftimony in Scri- ptures this is: and then,what the confequents of it are in order to reiignation. Firfi,What manager of belief this is.And this I (hall explain, in .thefe particulars. FirJl,7his belief is divine,and congruous to the divine teflimony. Such as the teliimony is, fuch muff be the ratio credendi : the Scriptures be- ing a divine teftimony, mull be believed for themfelves, becaufe of the divine authority flan-Ted upon them. Thus the ThefJ'alonians re- ceived the word, not as the word of njan,but,ac it it in truth, the word of God, i 7heJf 2. 13. they lodged the divine truth in a divine faith, which P3 Wa