Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

neciotto , Faitij. toritas, proper quam credimus, licet fit certi_ ma in f non tamen nobis, qualitèr enim certi L3.dJ: fimus, quad Deus dicat ea que credimus, non 23.910A7 nifi quia fit tenet Ecclefia ? 0bferve, how this great Scholar abates the certainty of faith, be- caufe he takes up the divinity of Scriptures up- on truft from the faying of the Church ; thofe who build their faith purely on the divine word, fpeak after another rate. Junius read- ing the hi-fi chapter of St. john, cried out in a kind of amazement, Divinitatem argumenti & axtboritatem fentio : and Reverend G'alvin,put- ting the quefiion how we fhall be perfwaded that the Scriptures did flow forth from God ; anfwers as roundly as a man doth touching that InJFitai. which is obvious and before leis fenfes, perinde eft (faith he) ac f quis roget, unde difcemus lu- cem difcernere à tenebris, the Scripture reveals it felf as the light doth, and to the pure eye of faith it appears divine from its own innate ex, cellency,and fo ef{ablithes the heart in its holy truth. To conclude this point,faith'is a fable and firm thing ; but, by the eflimates and lives of men, there feems to be but a very little of it in the world. Did men,as they prorefs,firm- ly believe the Scriptures, could they vilifie the commands of the 'great God as they do ? The injuii (ions of earthly Princes are not ferved Co. Would they flight that wonderful charter of grace and dory in the Gofpel ? a Patent of petty dignities and poffeflions here below will be highly valued by them : durft they fin as they do, in the face of hell and wrath flafhing out