Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

54 lcciatir ilm* oiaarsiay fzsam,faith a Learned pan? hOW could he more clearly betray This infidelity ? he would not iáve us only believe a thing true, becaufe Godfays fo,but believe alto that God fays fo, becaufe it appears true to our own reafon where this is, the tbundation,faith is a Meer nut lity,and that which is, a nullity in the foundati- on, at laff proves a nullity in the confequence. Reafòn, corrupting it Pelf in its own pride, catis away the found principles of the Gofpel, and thefe being gone.,putrities in abominable errors, ;file Herod of ùp ing a Deity to himfelf, it is fpi- ritual ly fmitten of God, and eaten up of Fornzs I mean, thole errors which are but theputrefa- rions of reafòn. How do the Socinians Pa a- 'nize in, worfhipping a creature, a Chrift whom they deny to be God ; Alahometize in denying she fàcred Trinity ; 7udaize in Handing for an interpreting Meffiab only, and npt a fatisfying pne ; Alanicheize in undervaluing the old Te- llament;Arianize in denying theDeity of Chrift;: Pelagianize in denying original fin ; Anabap tine in denying baptifin to infants ? how do fome of them Divelize in horrid blafphemies, calling the facred Trinity tricipitem Cerbérunt and to thofe who altert Jef s Chri ft to be Gods fon ; asking. An Dens habuit uxorem ? Whether God had rvi f ? and finch like hellifh fluff, in which much of the devil appears. After all this fearful fhipwrack of,faíth, what - remains ? too too little tò denominate them Chriflians. Ignà- ties called the .Ebio titer, ,becaufe they denied arias -Deity , men- worfhippers,; the antient Chard?