Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

ss Ilcctouo ffait°. hbvth in Hora,pointing out an internal locution to the Próphet.In the fecond revelation made to believers, there is no fuch thing as in the firft,no immediate infufion of ffecies,no internal voice or iocution,faying this or that is fò,and therefore no revelation properly fo called ; but the holy fpi- rit doth enlighten their minds to make them ca- pable,and then they hear what the holy fpirit in the Scriptures fpeaks unto them: thus S.Paul on the behalf of the Ephefians prays for the fpirit of wifdom and revelation,not that they might have extraordinary infpirations, but that the eyes of their under a iding might he inlightned, ph.i. 17, r 8.To know the witnefs of God in the Go- ipel, the holy fpirit Both not .(peak to their in- lightned underaandings immediately,but in and by the Scripture - medium,which is as it were E- piitola Dei,Gods letter unto man.In the fail re- velation to the Prophets and ApoRles, the holy fpirit did fo totally and in fuch anextraordiriary way govern them in their fpeaking and writing, that therein there was nibil fuum,, nothing Of their own not only the matter,but quevir vocula, every little word was of God : hence S. Peter faith, that they were giQóµsyrr moved or carried upon the wings . of thefpirit above humane frailty, 2Pet.1.2 r. In thefecond revelation to believers, the holy fpirit is as an holy anointing to their minds,and thereby puts them intoa capacity to hear what God fpeaks in the Scripture, but it dotlinot fo totally carry and rule them, a§ to make their words purely divine and free from all mixture of their owp.The firft revelation to the