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their newnelfe; they had a: beginning, and:tlrey All other gods have anend; but God is from everlafiing, I ttm the ::; f~~~H;~;r. Jirft andJajt, Efoy 4r. 4· and 44~ 6~and43. r.o,. l~dHng. The meaoingis, all the other·g0as had a beginllf•~4t. 4.and · · k h h b d h · 44 : 6.and ·tJ· ' .: nmg, we noww en t ey · egan,an r eu·ol'vne 10 • Hifl:orians have related ir;btit l wa~before them .all, faith theLord, and they haveall vaQi:tbed ,a- ~v.ay, even in your owne fight. · . . Their ignoranee and want ofknowledge, and ~ his Omnifcience, Argument; which I Hlcee onetz . h fc -l E: r, .. d .. 8 L . n~\yes talltgs you aveu eu Jay 41. 11,_2 3• an 44· 7, · • et co·come. · then, bring ~hemforth, and-fbewius t11hat Jballhappen., l!{ay 41.~ ,., '-3" Let them fhew the former. thilig.r "hat;th(j.bee, &c~ and44· 7~f~ thttt wee mA.J 'kn~·w -th~tyrm itrc·god! ._ ·' The ·me~ning is - this~that there-arenone oftheir g~ds, that doe <leclare former things, that tell ofthe beginning of the wotld, :ar of the creat:iori, or can deClare things t<'> come;lonlycandoe it, I have not fpo.. ., ', ken in fecret, bi.1t my Prophecies are piairie and · · - .. '< ' open,I ha\'e fpoken it;and I willbring it to paffe~ 1'berefor-e, l fay, his Omnifcienceandibewing fururet:hings cloth teftifie,that there are no ot}){~F gods be fide-s him, feeing no other hathocen:ab!o . fotodoe. The greatneffe of his power pm forth in the / 4:- · ·: continua!I pa:f(ages of his providet1ce, andd :eir, i By the gr;e-_ar. want ofpowe'r>whieh is another anrument ufcd 1 ncffeofdh,spo_. . • • • 1. lJ '?. 1 wer an pro· rn !fat. 41. 2~. BerJO u; )'~!l are n-othmg, andyo~er ·, vidence,wor- . workes llre ofnought; that · is·, you are nfFt able to Jie ·1 1 ~i rg change,s ,! h . • l · d h r. ln thcworld ' · t~ny t tng; ettnergoQ or urt to the tonnes ofme~:,.,. E;&ry+f. ,.3.w,.~· and therefore you are no gods, youarehutvanti tieandofnovalue .-: which Argument·you have\ often ··~