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·SO Thae our Gon ofcen repeated ; as alfo the great changes that God workes among the fonnes of men, which Idols cannot doe. E[a11 40. 33, 24. Hee brinns the l!.{llJ 40.z3,s+ · & J o . Princes t~nothing, . c. that is,hee is able to {et up .... whom bee will,and pull themdowne againe;and hce gives infiance in the greatefl: Princes, that thought themfelves beft rooted: faith he, when1 ' dDe but blow upon ~hCif', t'hen 1 blaffthem; they are tU if they never . ~4d beene planted, at -if they had · ' beene ntver'.{owne; they are M · if they hlld tooke no P/aLto7·33>34· root inaUth·eEArth. SoPfo/meio7·33,34: Hee turneth a Defort into a fruitft~U Land;A.nd a fruit· •• ~· b ·• fuU !;.And,bee turneth into- bArremtejie, for the ,;itketinejle of t~em thAt drt?tU·therein ; making chan. ges of men, and things, which no Idols could doe. s They are fuch as are dead men,and have no life .He onelythe in them. ·This .is an argument that the Apo£\:le living God ; Paul U fetb,...&8 .I A • I et • ~th. at tbe11 fhou/J. tt~rne tD the other gods but -r J J deadvanitici· living Go 1>; Pfol. I Is. It is true of all other .AIJs 1 4· 15. . gods,they are deadv~nities,tbeyare1do1J,and have Pfo/.uf. no life~ in them; onelyGod is living,heonely bath life in himfelfe, and gives life to all other things in the World. Therefore there is none othergod belides him. ~ More particuNow we come to particulars: ·As, takeall the larly. · Religions that ever have beene in theWorld, befides that which we profeffe; take all the gods tbatbavebin fer up by others;whichmaybe divi– x Th~ gods of. ded intotwo things;either before or fince Chriff: theGeniiles7 Before, and they are either thofe ·gods·that wdre and their reJi. b gion,waifalfe. wor(hipped by the Grecians and the Romans,.t e ~ w1feft