Preston - BT100 P8 1634

·-· , ·, TheRcli~a- is falfc~_. . . -T./Jae our G 0 D not have more againfi him,than he himfelfecon– feffethinbis TraCiate,Denatura I>rorum: Fmas ,one faith_, Re totlitdeas,fe~ oratione re{iquh; Hee took away. th,eir gods indeetl, though not in1w1rd: : Andhim'felfe faith,P"tinam tam ftt.cife,..'eram re}igi– onem im,.enirepoJFm,q&~am[tt![am convincere;I would I co~ld as-wel find out the truth oftrue Religion, as convincc the falfene1fe oftheother. All which _are difputed a~ largeby TertuUistn,-and Augufline de Ci'lJitat_eDei,andC/emens Alexitndrinw., who li- :ved in thofe dayes. \Vhich we fpeake the more ,of,becaufe ' itwas tha~ which did fpread it felfc even over thewholeWorld for many Ages to– geth_er. And as fouhe gods that areworlhipped ·by the Chst!deAns, and Syri~ns, as the Sunne and M.oone, the.r are·notwortl1 the naming. There is another Rel!gion that is up fince Chr~{J, theReligion of!.Jahomet,w.hichha rh fpred over the.m.oflparr ofthe \Vorld:for ifthat computation be true, t!ut -is lately giyen, tl1cy ~_ave fourtaene times as much as any other harh: Theyarofe abot1t ftx hundred yceres after chrift, and.therefor-e tbey-hav.e C0ntinued - along time. I fpeake notthis,becaufe I thinke that any here ·– had need to bediffwaded from it-; but to·fhc~v, that there wa-s. never a-ny veri-fimilitude of the Dei fie, but that ou-r-Go.lwa-s alwayes God alone. Therefore again!l it I wi lJ ufe foure arguments: . 1 .Hegivester Mahomet did fuliy~cknowledgc the truth !hmony to the . both of the0 IdTefiamenr ande£thcNew· yet Old an.dNew I · ' ' ·· ·· ' • Tefiarnent, the thing~ that hedelivers,~re contrary to both: andyet is con· I thewhieh confirmesour Religion and{hews the nt~ry ~o. potb. , J · , falfe-