Preston - BT100 P8 1634

1 .. ___ _ _ ._ _u the 'fr~e -~o ·o_. ~ _ _. _ _ f · ·wife!l: ofthe Heathens, ·or dfe thofe that were '·worChippedbytheB411r6.cri~tns. Now, theywor.. ; fh ipf>ed the stmandMoone~andfoure-fo_ott'il.JJe-afls, Rom. i. Ifthere be quefijon <)fany, itis oftbofe among the l;<.om/;nJ; fuch as weresjizlrnt,and Ia– piter,and l~fno, &c. which arenow altogether ex– ploded; and ~here i~ eno~gh fa~d againft them,. even by theiroWneWr~ters. ~-s· ; . - · . . I They were men, and therefore ·not gods; this was the Argument that Tertulli~s and Iujl_in MArtyr ufed to convince rhofe, amongfi whom they lived, that 1un1, lupiter, Neptune, _&c. yvere S•turneioff-fpring,and therefore ·men; and ifmen,then borne ofmen, and :heir Ge'nealo– giesare recorded by their ow~e ~riters.. · 2 A~d as they were men, fo_ they were the wor£1 ofmen, given to the grotfeft vices, as adultery' theft, murther) &c. . And ifit be obje6ted, as it was to Z,.atfantim, that thefe areonely fi~ions ofPsets: I anfwer, that thePottJwere their Prop~ers, as the Apofllefaith, One ofjQur Prophets faith fo) and they did but give light to the'_piaure; for all theirother Writers agree, as Cicero and Vt~rro, that they \vere fubjeet to thofe vices that wena- ·med. 3Theydid die,and therefore werenot gods;as appeares in that they would in 9ne place fhew ~ouafepulch~r,and in another aTempleerecred to the fame" god·, which is~ an extreme contradi~ cl:ion; yet thi's ":as acknow'Iedged even'by them that worlhipped them: and-as for T_'ully, we canG ·Qot 81 J Becaufeth • gods were / men. " The wodl flf men. Objetl. ..Anfw~ ThePotts were the Gentiles Prophets. ~ They did dfCo