Preston - BT100 P8 1634

l itlheTrRe G~o. ·alf himfro~ Ga4,, toknowwhat womenhee. would, and to put them away when bee would ; which licencewas given tohim, and tono other. A11 whieharguments are enough to tbe.w th'evanitie and falfehood ofth_is .Religion• .'' · · - · . Seeing there is none othe·r GoD befides the Yft r~ Lord,we fhould fix this principle in us,and labor 1 To beleeve • · h . b hi he J• lfc Wh rhatour Goti 1s to ftrengt en 1t y t sot rme tum. a o. ·en Godalone and more candles are brought intoaplace, theli'ght t~ cleave :oa is greater,and you may fee the obje·Cl-s the better. hlm. Therefore,adde this to the other,that there is no othergod; for this expreffeth not onely that the Lord is GDd, but that it is he whomweworJhip ~: ·for ifthere be a.qodthat mad.e:Heavenand:Earth, hewould have revealed himfelf~ to the fonnes of men~ but there bath never beene any other ~evea- .led. Rtmemher theformer thing1, and-you thall fee that therewas never any other.Marke this chaine, and every Iinke of it is exceeding fi:rong; fee if evert . ebath beene anyGodbefides him : For, ift!bere was ever anygod revealed to the fonnes of men, it was theGod of _the I ewu, whowas revea- · .· ledbyMofuand the Prophets; for all the dung– hillgod.r oftheGentile.r,theywere butvanitie,and theyappeare~ to be fo: And if it was the God ·of tpe Ie~es, then alfo of.the Chrifli~nJ, (becaufe the New Teframe~t is builded upon the Old;) and then ·furely bee is that Gid, whom the p,. teHantJWorlbip,and_not-whom t·hePapiHswor• lhip. for, take altthofe: .things·wherein · they ddfer from .us; As in· theirwmlhipping of I.mages,t~ei~Purg'ltory,their lndulgen~es,$eir -· G 3 Prayers