Preston - BT100 P8 1634

86 \ That our Goo Prayers to, ~ndfor the dead; .thdr·Prayers in an unknownc tongue,and foall other pointsof dif.. ference;you fl1all finde that theywereadded and taken in, in ~ontinuance of time, now one, then another;an.d therearemanythat have-taken pains to {hew thepedegr~e ofthem,when-theycame in: ' and therefore they that have not fcdticed hearts~ ! whofe eyes thegod of this \vorldbath not blin– . c\cd·,may fee,thatwhat.our Divines cut off, is nothing bui:thatwhich they·haveadded before~the Papill:s agree with us in all that wee teach, onely the difference is betweene the additions which . have.como in from tin1e to time.· ThercforeyGu mufi: from hence toconfi:rfue your faith; by that Argumenrw:~ichPeter ufeth, Joh. 6. 68. whither Jba!t we gDe? thou haH the rrords of eternal/ · life; Thcr.e~re two.tb}ngs w·hich make us cleave ,toany rhihg:;. . , : . Two .tbi~s ·. · ·x, The firmenelfeofdic thing. · makeuscleave , 2 · Whenwecan·goenowhi-therelfe. otnat _: tQ an:r.thing! • looke:toany/,tii}J.eor place; and- confider tha[ a.ll othergodS~are~rmc:erevanit!e.For Iookcupqn rhc world andthecreatnres,<lrid they have no bot– tome to fiandnn, theyhave no,ftay to hold by•. · Tl1crefore,let this teach·us tocleave to himwith– out feparation: look i1po:nevery G_4e,as Dttviddid to'the right hand;and tor heJeft;andyou·t.ball fee that thereW·as never ~ny other god ; onely here the foule bath furefooting. Therefore fay,that if ·· ttu~ diffolutionofall things lliould come,asdeatll . and marcyrdome, (as wee know not liow·foone ~ theymay) :yet<God £hall _be ourGod,wewill for.. . , · fake I I