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, utheTrue Gou.- fakeall to follow him.Confider the prefent time of the Church, confider how foonc: the times . may come upon us,whenwc lhalbc put to it; for now things are in pr£cipitio • ha!l:iog downe to the bottome of the hill'; andwee knmv not ho\v · neere we are to that hourtoftemptation, fpoken of ia tbe Rcveld-tions; when it iball be as it wa~ in Afa's tiri1e;2 Chron. IS~ 6. N&tien Jhallriftag4infl NAtion,&c. Thefe times are growing and daily gather !l:rength more·and m(')re; therefore let us fi:rengthen our faith,and prepafe for a tryall. Hi– therto Religion and peace have walked together in one path; bpt when they tbail goe in different paths, it will appeare then, whofe fe:rvanrs wee are.So when the times oftriaiJ come,it will bea great matter to have this principle laid. If you iliould come to fuff~r death.>& to lofeyour lives, it will beagreat matter to be rooted and groun– ded in the faith:for there is a great ditference be-· tweene thofe that havemuch earth, and betweene thofe that are not well rooted, that have not re– teived this aw.nointing, that teachethuJ theft things. This-alfowill I fay toyou in the fecond place tocomfort you, though you fee theLQrdlaying the Churches waO:e, fo that they are wallowing in their blood, yet that you might hold up your heads, confider that bee is God alone, and thereforewill rowfe up hirnfelfe in due time; for Hee will not give hiSglory tQ another : therefore though you fee al! the Churches,in Chrill:en– dome '•lid wafle, yet theLordwill raife them up againe : and the ground of it is in Efoy 48. II. G 4 For Yft 2~ For comfort; That hoe will thew himfelfc to be tbe true Gid, in raifin~ up his Chut· ches.