Preston - BT100 P8 1634

• 'Ihe Spiflle before manyofqodsglorious hack, parts were pa!Jedby hirn,he 'vas ta- 1 ken up to view the reJ.l n1orefully Face to face. So thar,as he was of– ten in his fickneffe wont to fay, 1 . ljhallhut chttngemyplace,&not my companie; we 111ayalfo truly fay, hee did but change his fiudying place, not his thoughts nor flu ... dies. (jodbeing the only imme.. · diate fubject, about which the iludies of men and Angels are \vhollytakenup for all eternity. \JVhich change,though to him full ofgaine, had been to us more grievous,hadnot this littlepeece, Hke to EL I A H s Mantle, falne fron1 hin1, liS hee Das a(cending. VVherein wee have thole lofty fpeculations ofthe fchools(which · like J