Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Vedicatorie. lik~ empty clouds flie often high, but drop no fatne.ffe) digefied in~ toufefull applications, and difiil... led intoSpirit-full and quickning cordials,to comfort and confinne the inrPard Man. Nt'>t onely !hewing (as o... tl~ers) what q 0 V is; but alfo what wee th~refore ought t~ be. At once, emblaz·oning the '])j, 11ins .Ejjence,and glorious ufttri– huies ofCjod;_ and \vith all delinea.... ting themofi nqbledifpofitions of the·'Divine 3\(_tt:ture in us, which are the prints and imitations of thofehisAttrihutes,appiying as a . skilfull bnilcier, the patterne tO· . tlle peece he 'vas to fran1e .. So, as · by this unfini{htdraught, it n1ay· ·be g~thered, .. whatinl.arged and ·· .. .workjng