Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Go o s NPime, I A M. , 9 5 ~----------------------------------1 _______ to Ab-r~tham,and Jfoac, and lacfJb, as appear~s in I divers places; but the meaning is,itwas not opened to them, theydid not underfiand it-: The L o 1t D faith,pen.I 7. L • .lam the .A/mightie G -o o, w4llte hefore me> thou;erfeR. Yon ihaU finde that Name ufed on every occalion) by Abrt~ham, by lfoAc, and by lacob i ~El-fhaddai, Go o AU. fulfhient-; but not l n" ovA.u•. The firfi: time tliat ever Goo made hirnfclfe knowne by this Name, was .here to Mofos; 1 am that I am. There are two things to be obferved in this ex. p~effion : : · The incomprelienfibJenclfe ofAlmighty G oo, as it Is ufitafiy faid by us. : -When.wee-areasked a thing,thatwewillnot reveale any further, or that wee would'- nqt have another to prie any further into, wee fay, It iswhat itis: fo Goo faith to M9Jes; ! am ,bat r ttm. s ·uch'a kind of fpeech is alfo ufed, to.lhew the immutabilit'ie ofa thing:as-Pifat faid,whttt !hAve :rrritten, I have written,_ I will not So men ufe to fay; I have done what I have done,to fhew the conftancie ofa thing,tbat it ibal not be · altered : Therefore, when Go o wou!d iliew the conftancie ofhis Nature,.be addes fiirthcr, I am, without any other word : as if bee l11ould fay; Mofu, if they enquireoftheewhatmy Name is, tell them only this;Heu,hath fent me-unto yom.. 1 as the Septuagint tranflate it , 'o~,, that is, If [ fhould deliver the mofl: expreffingName,where• by I would be knowne to all Ages,. this is that. 'which I will pitch ·upon, 1 ltm, ~r I Ea ,o vA n"' · whi~h I What iune3nt by fu,h a form ofexpreffio~ l 4I1J what ltZifl. ! • "'' .