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I , which comes from ~he fame root. And ifMo[es 1 {hould yet further enquire ofhis Name,he leads him into a fi.nther expreffion : The Lo 1t o Go ·D rJ your Fathers' the G 0 p uf A flraham, the G 0 D of Jfaac, and the GoD_of IAcoh bath font me unto you; thii if my Name for ever,and thil if mymem~ria/1unto allgenerations. As if he 1bould fay: Ifyet they cannot undedl:and what this Name is, it is the fame that I was knowne by toAhraham, tol[aac~ and toJacoh; what I was to them, the fame will I be to you. I was knowne to them bymy Word, :-ctnd by myworkes, and by my miracles, arid the fame thall you find me; it is that Gotl which hath fent me untoyou. Thil_ ilmyName; whiCh words are to be referred, not ondy to the Iatterwords, ! but to the former~ 1am that 1am. The wor9s in !the originall are in the futUre tenfe; yet it is fidy ·tranflated, I am~ for the furure tenfe in11e/;re, is ·often put for the prefent tenfe, and the words are I put in the future tenfe,to:fllew his immutability: jwhich tranflation, Chriff! words doe warrant; ' 1 Before.AhrahamwvU,IIlm: therefore die Septualgints doe well tranflate it o}J,, lignifying no more but hee which is : So that, that which wee are to learne from hence,. is this; That I am, or lehovah, I am that 1am, is theproper and effentiall Name of God, (all Didnes agree in this, I know none that differ) becattfe it exprelfeth him in his Ef. fence, Withou·r any limjteition, Gr mod'iflcation~ , Belides:J ydu iliaiJund'e, tha't tl1is Na~1e is never . attributed ·ro arryother. theAltar, indeed, was ealled !ehDt'ah; but..the meaning was·; to lehot·ah; his