Preston - BT100 P8 1634

. · ·=· 97 \ I ! ·~--\ 1 Goo s ,Name, I A M. --------; ·· his other names indeed are given to' the creatures, but this is given ondy to him. Whence I gather this point : 1 har, . To .be, or to fay thil; Hee is, or I ~m, is proper t1 'Do/1. G 0 0 •lone. 1 Gt~ti onely :!nd ~ •· . • . • pc()pcrlybath It 1s common to no creature, With bun; you beiPginhira. · cannot fay ofany creature, It in and ifit be the . bnelypropertie of God tobe, then you muft fay ofevery creature, it if not; andonely,t.heL9rd if: which isa firange fpeech)but yet it is true,or clfc it is not properto Godonely. Butyouwillfay,Whatisthemeaningofthat? . Objeef. for creatures have a being, though not fo excellent a being ~s he bath. In comparifon ofhim,tbey have no being at al1, · .A11(w. h h h . b · A d h l". WhatthtsBe. t ey cannot reac to IS etng. n t ere1ore, ing is cxplai· what this being is, we will explaine to you by nc_d i~ five thefe five things! l thmgs. It is an immenfl being, fuch as bath all the de- ; ~· i grees,and kindt:s,and extents ofbeingin it. The · Immcnfc. creatures have not (o; they-have fo little of this being>that it isnothing: it is nG>t fo much AI the JrDp-of A- Bucket, Efay 40. that is,it is of fo fma1I a 1 l!:foy 40· being,that it ~s nobeing: therefore that place is ) · to be marked, Efoy40.17. All NAtiomGefore him , Verf. xi. Art M mthing, 11nd they 41'e counted to him leJTe thAn nothing,Brvdnitie. Whichplace tbewcs, that this phrafeof beingdoth not agree to the creatures : I for having fa id before, tl1ey were. a; th~ drop of a . ~ucket,hee addes, nay, they 4re leJJ'e tba11 nothing, l But you will fay, H~w can they bee leffe than i nothing ? I anfiver; If I lhould exprelfe it to . . H · you)