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Simile. . . (, 7(,118.11. G oo s Name, I A M. thou mighteft murmure againll: him, and aske him, why doell: thou fo? But what haft thou to do with theLordtShall the Clay fay to him t,hat maketh it,why doeft thau fo?Th,is 'fi.militude ~f Clay doth not,by a thoufand parts,·expreffe that diil:ance that is betweeneGodand·us ; and there– fore we lhould doe thus,fl:and upon the ihdre(as : it were)and behold his·infinite Elfence,l am that · lAm, and,goe no further; ·as a ·man that ftands upon tbct Sea-thore, fees the vafi:~effeofthe Sea, but dares goeno further, for if he goes into the decpe, he is drowned: You may fooke into Gods E1fenc~,and fee.and admire it~ but to thinke that thoucoul-detl comprehend God, is, as ifa man tbould think to hold the whole Sea in the hollow ofhis hand: yea,there isa greaterdifproportion betwe.ene them; or elfe the·Apoftlewouldnever . .have burft out into that.patheticall expreffiori, Ro~•ll. · 0 thedepthof ehe richei !Joth ofthewi[d'omt AJ!J knowledge of Go o ; bolt' uHfet~rcha/;/e 11re hu jutlge~~nt!, 11nd hit· rrttyeJ p~tR Ji~tding o~t ! qnely , "r.s;lltctmb:er this I fay;raind make thus much ufe of ' .~i,w.hen yoo hearethiS".Name, /~that film, that • ,,A '•t . j~ 'is theLords·~i.ll to fet limits to us. When the · Lpr;dcamedowne from the M6f!nt;bee fet lim'its I ,to~~~ ·P.~ople,\and:lie·gave 'this 'teafonofit, I will !JOf.bave fht1Jl"jla.ndlit/u/ g4ze; fo 'i('.is in this Cafe, ·it i~ a 'dange~ous_, tq,ing to· goe too ~arre : You . know what dtd crime to theBethfhemzte.r, becaufe , theyyvoul~be·gazing ; rbnemo~~that fpeecn of f!}d tq~a1J9llh,.o.: ·'wrhy dtJfl thou"aikimyN"aine.)hat u {ettet t- There i-5 fomething that is fecret in God•. . ·. · · - . · But . ' . '