Preston - BT100 P8 1634

--------~------------~----------------~~ l Goo s Ndme, I .t\ M. IOJ --------------~--~~~~~--~ But, you will fay; I w~uld faine fee a reafon Objtll. oftbefe things. . But thou mull: fray for this t~U mortality bee .An[~. put off;. and in th'? meane while ftand afarre otr, and l9oke on Gad: And when thou (eeft the vaft ~ee cannot f J h ·h {c. 11. h· . ·· · fi h • gtve a reafoll workes o -Go.a, w ~n t ou eeu: tmgra pet e ofmanydting• winds in hi5 aft, and meafure the waters in the . c:oncorning ·hQllow ofhis band, a:t_ld w~~gh the .Mountaines Gldtilld~atb. in fcales,and the hils in a: ballance, &.c. it will be no great thing to thee iftho~ art ignorant ofhis counfels. This is made an arg~ment why wee fuguld not fearch i.pto his fec~ers, Pr~. 3o._4. WbD PrDU·J•· 4· l11sth.A:fcen.edup toheA1Jen;~rdefre.niledl ,P2ha,hathgathered the~int!s in hilftflhrbtJ bath hounded thc.iPaterJ in~gArment l rrhl h~th eli~tblifhedaUthe ends ofthe t!Jrth l WhAt iJ his 1111111t, Drfl'hat ifhis Sllmts_namt, ifthQfl ·eanfl ttU1.As.ifhe iliould fay; jt. is irnpofftble that thou lhoul~e~ know thi~- .m!gbtie Worke-man, he that dtd all this, or underftaP.d the groLtnd ofhis counfels ; you can fee; .but his backe-parts, yqucan fee no more and live, ·and you need fee no more, that you.may !ive~ ·~< · · ... Secondly,thatwhich is the very fcope anddrift Yft 2. . oftheL~rdnevealino- his name toMotes. Goeand Tollrengthen 1 · l A 0 · 'J' ' ourfaith and tell the pt~p e, I M THAT I A M hath fmt encourageus· me unto yDu, thouId llrengthen our faith, and -ininour wants . courage us; it{honld raifeour~inds,a~d-ftirup ; andcrotres. hope inus, in all wants, and inal.l diftreffes ~hat In wants.. wee fall intqupon any occafion ~ for tht$ i$.the · fcope why the L~rd reveales it here; rhe reveaJes it in a very feafonable time. A man would have thought it impoffible,that they·ihould beddive.. 1 li 4 red '