Preston - BT100 P8 1634

,·: ·-·-------=::----::-:----:------ Go n s Name, I .t\ M. II.Z. Y{e ?• Togivehin\ the praife of his Being. To rayl will decfuch a thing,what a finne it is. I It is Idolatry. E.foJ / #hers, the Gon ofAbraharn, the G~o Dj lfaac) and the Goo fJ/ l&Jcob bathfent me unto ~ou -r: thu ti my Name for erver, and thu u my memoria!l umo a!J genera, tions. F G o o be the Lo tt D of being,full . , ·of being in himfelfe,and giving be- . ~ in_g to. ever_Ythi~g ; Iearne then ~o ~· g1vehtmhtsprarfe. Pfal.66.f. re @~~.:ro:~Jba/lpraife the LDrd) andye /hall extol/ , him b; hi! NtJme I A H; for he oncly brings entcrprifes to pafre~ as he gives being to every thing,fo hegives being toall theworkes that are wrought by the creatures. Ifour being be from him,much more all our wor~sarewrought byhim, becaufe theyare but dependa~s oq_our being. Now this Gon .takc:s to himf~Ifc, as 'moll: proper tohim– felfe,and that fromhis Name, I 1! u ovA K: there be many places fonhis; 1rviUdoe it,for1am I EM 0 V AH, &c. . Now if the creature fball fay; l have fuch -a purpofe,fi.1ch a projeer in mr hearr,and I will doe it,l will bring it to paffc: what is it,but to arro– gate that to himfelfc, which is proper to In uo– vA H ? Which is a greater finr.e than we are aware of; for it is no leffe than Idolatry, and the L oR o fo takes it, Efay 42. 8. I am the LoaD, that if my Name; an~ my glory wilt not 1 give ta another, neithermypr)zi{e 'ttJ gra:t•en ImageI: tha't. is, · I will takeafpeciall care, that you fhall not.fay, that you