Preston - BT100 P8 1634

; , _Go ll) s Name, I .t\ M. 11 1 J \ ya~nr Images doe bring things to pa ffe, for then they ihouldbe.called I 11 Ho v A H; it being ·proper alone to me,to bring any thing to paffe. ' So amanmay apply it to any tbingdle ~ If a , ·ma:n lhalllay,that his ownewi.t, or WGrth, or in– .d~~tftrie, &c. cloth bring things to palfe, he takes thartpraife which peculiarly belongs toGod, ahd g.Wes it to the creature~ whereas rhe L01'd faye~, , I E " o v .A H is my Name,and there isnotthe lea{t thin~,but1bring it topaffe. Take heed therefore · :Of cllat fecret Idolatry, God hates it: it is a place \ which y0u ·know,Hab. 1.16. Therefore theyfo·(riftce nai.1.1~· I rUntP their Net, anduurneincenfeuntotheir Drag; 6ecaufe.!Jy themtheirportion.iffat,t~nd their me11t flente– , ous. Sa.crifice is due onely to G~d: Now togoe a– : bout any thing,~nd to fay,that thy wealth brings it to palfe, is to focrijce to their owne N-et; that is, to attribute that to thy felfe,which is proper only to him. Againe,as it is I dol&try,fo it is a vaine th.fng to 2 doe it-; for we are n()t able to doe any thing, ifai. It is aunitie. 37• He wiUbringit to paiJ'e; there theLord takes it P/ai.J 7 •f· as peculiar to him only: therefore inE[ay 2 6. I 2 • . BfaJ 16, u. (you may compare them both together)it is faid , J there j Lord,thou wilt ordai~cpe4cefor m) for thou ~tlfo , ·hafff1lrought allourrvorkeJ tn w. The fcope of this place is this: Other men (faith he) they forget . G~d,they carry themfelves aloft; but it is he that . , will ordaJne us peace, though none elfe fhall put ' his hand to it: it is he that doth AOour workes . 1 for usjnot our fpeciall workes onely,but all: it is j not any rnan,or any creature, that cloth them; it 1 is --------~------------------·--------------