Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I . 1 I 4 G o o s Name, I A ' M. 1 --~---J-----------------------------~ l is he that workes all our workes for us. And if~e · \ didbeleeve this,we (hould looke upon himwith I another eye, and ferve him aft<;ranother manner, we lbould be more dependent on him,we ibould ·be more fervent in prayer;and not when we wou·Id do any tbing,turne every fl:one,and knock at eve:. ry creatures doo~e, to fee what belpe they could. give us; butoureyewould be towards him: for it is in vaine toJrunne to. them ; no creature ean doe it : there is no enterprife, but bath many .. wheeles; and the ftopping ofonewheele,hinders the whole enterprife; and it is he,that-turnes all thofe wheeles, commands all, mufi ,bring it to paffe, or elfe the leafl: thing will hindero ur grea– tell enterprifes: therefore you fee that the fairefi: bloffomes ofQur endevours doe o ften wither,and the moll: unlikely things many times doe come to paffe. . See it inDavid(togive you an example ofit) when bee did tmfi God, bee had a promife of the kingdome,but nGt that he himfelfe fhouid get ir, his owne power fhould not doe it; ~nd yet the wheeles of GodJ providenceSid bring it to paffe. Sowhen he fl:a id his hand from killingNabal,did . not the Lordbring it to paife in a better manner than he could have done ? likewife, after he had the Kingdome, Abner. was his great enemie; but ·yet Da'l:iddiq nothing, butwhat wa-s right; and ' you fee how God did bring it·to paffe,he tooke _awav his life,without any handofDavid. So lfh- ,hofo;.thwas his enernie;_yct whenDa:l)id fate fiilJ, · and.dicl nothing, hi shead was bmught to.,him-; . (d1ough