Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Go n u perfeCt•. ---,-----,..---:----- --- ·-------~ it tha1:1the image j and therefore the life and fir{i or.iginall, the~ realty and firfi: beginning mull 12.1 needs be perfeCt in it felfe. . . Secondly, there is none that can fet li'mitSto z God,that can fet land-markes or bounds tohis en- Gud without titie or being. Every creature bath his feverall limit$. bounds and limits,thus fadhaU they goe,and no I further:but who~ath ~et b?~nds ~9- him?When ·he had fer forth hts Eflence, m I_{at.4o. he·addes, z[aLlo.lB. ;ro,whomwillyouliktn God-,. or what likenej]'e will JOU compare unto him?.- , . . .· . · ·. Five diff'erea1 ces betwecne the pcrfeCI:ion that i!' in God and which is in the c.rea. There be five differences between the perfe6ti.. on t-hat isinGod, &_rhatwhich is .bnany ·creature~ · r- All creatures haV.e perfeCtion within their owne kinde only, and'in fucha degree.; but.he is firnp.Iy and dbfolutely perfecr without all refpeet:, l . without all comparifon,he is amightyfea·ofbeturcs. ing,withoutbankeandbottome•.· .,_ -- · Goa'Jp~rfeai- '2 .The creatures have all fome imperfelHon on is abfolutc:. mir.Jgled with it; as take alLthe Angels ;.take all' 2 the Saiats,when they are in thehighe£1 top, and Vnmixed, fulleft ofall their bleffednes, yet they have fome imperfed:ion, as !ob faith; hee hath charged. them with folly: but Godr perfection ·is unmixed, no im· perfe6tion-can be afcribed untohim~ · ' B-ttt youwill fay,rpe Saints and Angels-are perObjea. · feet in their kind, how then are they iniperfeet ?· They have a negative imperfe.ti:ioo,thougn not ..Anfi~< a privat~ve; (or thou&h .they1,r~ not,de~rived of Negative it~~ t~t ~hu:h tb~uld b.e m.them;yet there ts aneg~:. f~;t;~~~~ ~~ ttve tmpetfeehon,that ts,ttlere be·many·perfech.. ' ons w.hich~hey hayenot;it cannot be fa idofany creature,