Preston - BT100 P8 1634

t}oiHti e 3 Vncapable , offinne and mifery. .creature, though the mofl: as I Ibhn I . That b: it _there iilight, ·•nd there it no dar!mejJe At all: OfGod _onely can that be properly faid; for there is no . .creature foperfea;but it bath fom imperfe&ion. 3 The creature though it be perfect, y~t it is .capableoffinand mifery, and it is in poffibiltie to lofe that perfecrion it is in; but God is not in poffibility tb lofe that,perf.ed:ion~cbath, neither can hehecapable offinne. · · 4 ~ Taketheb~ftand moft exquiftte creatures, Subftantiall. theAngels; their perfetl:ioo is made up by fame things t~atare not fubftantiall '; by circumftan– ces which~renofubftances-, _&have apoffibil~ty t.o be feparar_ed (though they are not;) for there is (omfthing·in them which is better,fomething wbich is w.otfe; a fubftance and an accident, and evefy acCiqentis feparable,it may be loll:;you fee the evillAngels,they fell,they Ioil: thatthey bad: but God is a. perfe(t[ubftance, wholly fubftance; there is· him, whereby it may be faid, ,· '~ ., there is- fomething in him that is beft,fomething that is worfe. · · . · s · 5' The creature$ though they have perfection, Withoutwant. yet they have alwayes need offomething; but it isnotfowithGon) heehathneed ofnothing. To. the moft compleatand fullefl: perfection of the creature is fiill fomething wanting, whereof it fl:ands in need; as you will fay ofa river, though .you fee it now fuiJ, yet fomething is wanting, it bath need ·ofthe founta-in to maintaine it;fo may I fayofthecreatures,thcittgh they befuUofper– fettion'in their·kinde, yet they have need oftb~t fountaine,