Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Goo if perfeit. u. s .. , ne£fe of his grace, in all goodne!fe which he:e This erf'c&i. beftowcs : for. tohavedoneany thing£or aman on ot ~is (hew& before-hand, doth lelfen the bene·fit beil:owed. thfch~recne1fe h d h . . o ts gra<:c ·Now confider, that thou ·aft one n<tt mg to : and goodne.tfe , theLord; rheref0re labour to magnifie the Lol'd, io all he gives. ' :that bath befiowed it upon thee: For.this caufe xtheLordwillhave jufiificatioo by faith, andnot byworkes> that he might bemagnified : And fo hewill have fanc:tification, not by the p(!)wer of free-will, but"by the infufedgraceofthe Spirit, ·that no ftefh might boafr. It is the Lord that is :fulJ, it is he that gives it to thee, thou canfi: doe /nothing tohim; Rom. I I~ 35, 36. who hath ft'fl Ro,. n.3f,J6. 1 ·given tohFm, And·it [ht~ll he recom1ew(edhim •gai11t 1 r for of Him, and throu,~b Him, and to Him, Are all things,&c. As ifhe fuould fay, the Lord out of his free grac~ had fbewed· mercy to the /ertJtJ (for ofthem he there fpeak~>) they were wet, like Ge... deons fleece, whenall theworldwasdrie. After· wards it pleafed him tobedew the Gentilu,when the l[r4eliteswere dry; well, bee bath done this, fayes PAul, and what haft dtou t<!> fay to him? " Did beanywron~ ? Ishenot free~· ~aynot bee doe what be will? And thenhe perfwades them that they lhould be co~t:ent with his difpo'in~; beeowe$nothing toany; for ofHim)4nd through Him, andfor HimMe Allthing!; to Him /;eglory for ever ; Amen. Furthermore,ifGodbe fo full,that thecreature .['ft ~~ d doth notping to proroerit iit his-hand, then thou w~:f:i:~~o maH't: g6e tp GDd, though thou haft no·worth in I thoughwee : thee• though thOUha'!l: QOfie little fetV ice 1;0 him \~ave RO worth , · ' •nusto move yet · him.