Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Wemu!\ be contenr with GDds difpoiing ·' *.-- .... .-,..----~----· ... ··-~ ~-~- ..- .. -...-~ ..·--- -·.....'"'--- · GoD iJ p~rfoCJ. not in fo great a place as another?Why have not I more gifts ? 'Why have I not greater imploy– ments? Why have I fuch i.rnpede&ions? Why am I thus fubje6t tod.ifeafes & croffes,~ Wl1ence comes all this,but becaufe we expet!_ fomething from our defervings, becau!e wee thinke ~eeare notwelldcaltwith: And why doe wee thinke fo? becaufe ~eq thinkc, that there is fomething in · them why they fhould be looktafcer;they thinke that they have carried themfelves fo,that'there is fomething in jufiicedue to them. But if t_hou canfl: fay with David, and Job, or as Chrift faith' to his Difciples ·; whenyou have doneaUthar you can, (dy thAt you are unprofitable fer'l.'AtttJ. What if 'God will not have David to build a Temple, but his fonne mufi doe it? Or Mefuto lead the children oflfrael into the Land ofC~tnaan,but lofbuah.muft have the glory ofit? They mufi be content; yet they did more for God, than ever thou canft doe : therefore thou mull: labour to be content alfo. The creature receives of himwhatfoever it hath, apd therefore it can give pothing to him: Shall th~River be·beholding to him that drinkes ofit.J becaufe hecomes and quenc4eth his thirfl: ? Or ihall the Sunne be beholding to him, that hath the ufe of his light ? When thou haft done all that thou canft, fay tholl arc an unprofitable fer~ vant,thou canfl: do nothing that reacheth toGod; and upon this confideration,Iabour tobe vile-and lo~ in thine owne eyes, and willing to be difpofed of as it pleafeth him. , · Againe, if this be fo, then confider dlc free 4 ndfe