Preston - BT100 P8 1634

, , 1 34 f____ G_o_o_¥._p_er_-fi_e&_·---~ 3 Sitnt. Aholy magna· nimitie,in eR• · ·j~yias·God.. _ 1hers, the Go n ofAbraham, the Gan · oflfaac, tmd the Go o 1[ Iac.~b hathfent ;. ··:~ me 14pJo ~o~ . : t~u u my Name for erver,_. · And· thu u my memoriaO:unto all.tenera• . tions. -..9\l!i~:..B"Onfider:; whether your· mindes ga– ther· an. holy magnanimitie even . · frombenc.e,that youhave the.Lord. · ~~~ · (or your cJod: (or ifhebe moll:.per- . 'fe~, if h~ theJulneffeofall ~ . things in him ; then ifyou have him,the mind is . ready to-grow to aaholykind-ofgreatneffe. for 'it is thegreatneffeof,the obi~ec, . that mak;,<> the lilinde g~eit .: ctpd·t~e greatndfe ofthe mind ap·, · . ~es iit ;'dfig., tflat it cloth m;,f e'ffeeme fin:all · tb'ings• .Animomagn1nil?il efl ·magnJ.-~m; When a-' UHtn<an,ontoftf:riH:Qnftdetation, that the Lord :.if m.y§ul!n~,_:z-fdfhield, ~r-4 ; ~xcet~tn.g gr.ed.t .reward)· ~ _c.r.n.~emn,e~}md rec~!?n ~Il. thing_selfeas matters , ·oftma11mbmennit ts an arg;mnent tbathebatb, in tru rh, apprehendedGodJ as he ought to appre.: · h~oo ~im.. 1 t.fiy, this-is t:u~ ~o~ rnagna.nimity: FalCe magna· .t~ef-e 1~ a -f.aif~-.m~gn~tm,ttte ; .wh~n :a~ mens nimiti~ • ., .minclesare.great, becaufe they grow great~: with · . men,bccaufeoftheir great hopes,and riches,and . , great-learning;this is a falfe 'greatnelfe·,becaufe it~ , drawes men·ffom Gurl:: .it is.fuch.a igtea-tineffe as. · the·arme.'.li?-J;fi., vy.hen•it i! .fivdkd .; .~hich· rifeth not from the .fhcmgth and twe ~reatne{f~ of it, but from theweakeneae·of it. This is of an il l kir.dc ;