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· 1 . ·. G~n Uper~a. .· . . 1 135 kmde; but there lS another k1nde ofgteatneffe, True magn•- ., when the minde growes therefore to an holy nimity. magnanimity, becaufe it is fct upon'the great I . Go.d: a.sD:avid,hehad fucha magna1,1imity, Pfo!. Pfal. :. 1 .. 1 • 3 • 27. I. 3. The L.ord iJmy iight,.tfdmjfalv.ttion, wi:J~m \ lhaU I feare? the Lord iJtheflrengthofmy life,ofwhom 1 [h11-lt 1 heaftaidI ThBugh anhoflofmen (bfJ:t!d incampe againfl m.e)my hutrtfbou/dnotfellre, &c. . . Ifthere be any thing ilnhis world to be regar:.. . ded,it is anhofr ofmen; becaufe it is 'd~e ·powe'r- ; fulldl:.tbing.amongfi: men;.but I will not r,cgard it. Why ? not becaufe bee was llro11ger t:han "' " . they, but becaufeGodwas ·his Hfe.ancrth~ngtb ,; .... : :' I ~· \ when his minderaifed up it felfe1:o fuch agrea.'t. . neffe,upon thisconfideration,then hewas ab le to contt;rnne thefe·things, that wereto'becont~~CQ:- ned.Su{:hwa5 the greatneffe·ofmind,whichwa~ fqund in Mofrs., He.b. ·x 1. he carednqt for the fa.,. Ht•. u; vourordisfavourofthe King, btiaNfebee/aw, en:- joyed, and borehimfelfeupon him who ,,JJ invi~ Jible. . · Confider,whethcr you·cxalt himas G,d, you 4 fhall know it"by.this, by feeking· tohim to '611 up s.g,t~ all thofedefeCts and imperfe&-ions,tbatwe meet Exalrin&bim with in our Jives, frorn day tO day. Beloved, asGN(. · therearemany,things that we-want; asifwe lofe a fr_iend, we :compl~ineofa \van't·; ifwee1ofe fa– theror mother,it is a want) }tea, if Wee lufe no– thing,yet- w-e find·manydefetls whichwewould . . ~~v~ m-ad~;t;Jp. : now,·what is~ tnewaytodoe it? lffhou1thinktl tomakethern&pby"die ~re'~~ure; . :thouwilt·find thattbbel)u·tafmal'buili tbat wil . K4 . not