Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Athird Attri'.. . · . buteof~d, His ltmfi~. CJJoCE. God is ecernaU. / The Eternity of Go o. tbtrs,'.tbe GoD of.Abraham; tha Goo of1Jaac, &Jnd the .Go o 1{ Iacob bath[eni ·me unto gou: 1hu iJ tn.)' Nam1 fo-r ·erver, .MJd thu u my memfJfiall unto ·aU genera~ 'lions. - ~.f , 'The third'Attribute of Go o. ~~¥liEE come now to athird Attri– bute,·and that is the Eternity of Gud; for GgJ dothnot fay, Hee that was, but Hee that «, httth font me unt() yo11. And indeed bee ~~~ that is without all caufe, the efficient and finall, bee mull needs be eternall; he that bath no beginning nor end alfo, hemuft · needs be eternall: andbe£ides, in that bee faith, I ttm that I ttm, not I am that I was, it muft needs be that he iswithout fuccefiion. Therefore from hence wee may o: ther, that Goo il eternttU. . In handling of this point, weewilhbew· you, Firfi,wherein thil confifts. Secondly, the reafon,ilhyi't mufl6e[fJ. Thirdly, thedifferences. .· · The