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Th_c Eternitl of Go o. Fou~thly, the tonftBariu) that flow from thefe difrinetions ofeternity. _ 4 I For the firfi, you mu£1: know,,that tO·eternitie thefe.fivetbings are req.uired :. · . , .'. · ··. . , ·' Five things . h fi 1 b I d required io C4 It mufi not only ave a 1mp e, Ut a zvzng.a-n · ternity. moflperfe8 bewg. for eternity is ·· a tranfcendent x property,aed therefore can be inn~ne;but in the mofl: excellent and perfect being,and therefore it mufr be a living being. This .we.'have.e}{pre!fed . ., i~ lfai. 57~ ·1.} .. Thusfaith thehighandloftydne, thAt Ifiu•f'll.lf. inhahiteth cterf!ity.,_ whefe Name u.'Holy, I dweUin the high tmdhD~pl'itce, &c. As·ifhe fuould fay; there is no.houfe fit for him to.dwHl'in, ·that is high, and excellent, ·but onely ·rhehoufe'<>feternity. Where eternity is .compared to an houfeor·ha– bitation, to w:hkh nonecanenter, but GJod:him. felf.e,~ becaufe heonly is hi~hand .e'XceUent; ·a!I .thecr~atures excluded ont ofh:is·babit:ation. It is requir-ed toeternity, that therebe:noJhe- ~ ginnin:g; as ffi§lY e_afily begathered 0Ut etP[Alme Pfal;9o• a~ 9.o. '2·. ~ o 1\ O) thou·baflbeene.ou·rdi1ielling plaa in: , ~ · tJllg.ef!eratiom.;-befone. the, M~unta-in£i...wefe .brrfUgf?t · 1 ';·, ·~ J·_; forth, :fJr e~er thP.u·.hadft formeli the·:e4r1h / )tir' t~e r world;. even from.ever!ajJing to everlllfling thoutwt '· G . . . . OD• . , . · .And·the~e alfo you hctve.thethird'expreffion ;: . a·nd tba~ is, tc~rhave .M endi~g, TI:e·is.not o~lyfr9m cverlafhng,.but to'Cverlafrmg. : . . · ' · Tht7- is nofucce!Ji~n :·as,.(uppofe alftne:pJea– fures that are ina lbngbanquet, were drawneto...; t.Q0ttlent ;'ft:tppof~all thea eh of mans underftanding; and' will,.ffom the :begin).. · ning