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168. The Eternit} of G-o D. dried up, theyand their goods l1aJeperifhed to~ gcrher. ~ l CoJJfiderin the fecond piace,whatcternity is._ \ here the ~ad yis corru~ted with di feaf~s,a.nd th~ l fou}e fubJcit tovexatH;ms j bttt that life Is fure, compofed and conftant, and there is no .varia– blene!fein_it; andifwedefire life fomucb, why doe wee efteeme this·life that is :but a fpan long, and :n~gled: that which is fo fpacious ?· ~· Confidertheerrand, upon whichyouare feat _into thisworld, and·benot.putaLideJrom it, by anyneedleffeoccafions~as rhcya.reaHwhen they , · co;nt;,intpcomvetitionwith .rhis) whichiHnder our thoughts,and'our acHons,as·farte·as they be– long to eternity; and indeedall the world fpend ,. t~C]}l}Ucpofthejrtime- upo.etby-bL16neffes-, and 1 '· · t~ :, •.- the}' _ are-ha(npered·with them ·befo-re they are 'awate')fiill m~king our feives .newworke;-fo that ~vee make this ljfe, which is !hort eBoNghofit . ~ felfc, iborter ~han,it is., wearyingour.fcives with .~fl'}{,~9~S;§riefes; labour and·care,: thUS· llCfl di,d ~e,(qre, us, , and. rhus wee ate ready todbe,-·there– fore·we had themore need to rakeheedunto it~ Yft 1--. ', I£.Godbee et,~rnall~ rb·en be not Y'?'u offended, God then bath b,ecraufe you fee tliat.hec. fiayesJong,~itaer ingi– , ti:meenough vingr.e\Yard, -9~in executing"juclg.tJmetltoh men t<? ful~lll~is 1fc I h , promifes, :md ro~ thei.r . fi~nes.;' or wit 1 im no rime is Jrmg, his, i.s nq fucceffiqn w.ith him ;l .therefore fay . ;:~eg~!:~~r~~ 11ot, be~aufe y'ou fe~le nothing fot•tb'e prefe:i~, effen&eJ ; . tlJ'ere,a;re greaq::rromifennade, but-you find{" no l i thoughhdlay ·j ;)er:for.mance...iand ·there·bee manv: J·udgemenrs ! ·na · f · ' · · · r , Q• .,.,. rhreamed)(?up1one eX,e~uted;doe not y_0u thereJ · · . fore 8 ' .· . ' . . . .