Preston - BT100 P8 1634

l . - Tbc -Eterni~ of Goo. f .,"e fay,that your rewards are negleeled,or judg- - fi1cnt palfed over, and that God hath forgotten •. For here you fee) that withGodno time is long or iliort, there is no fucceffion with him: you have: the fame ufc madeofir~Jfoi. 4o.zJ,28. why [A-J" .IJ. h b d a. l h d Jfoi. 40·~7,,8. I tp t :au 0 laco , an ~-pe~ktJ" 0 If~ae >Myway is i frDm the Lord, ttndmyJudgement 'lS f4.Dedover from my Godt That is the ~·o5jecrion, whieh is in the . hearts ofmany m~n:-Now you fhaU fee what an- I fwer is- made to it in the following verfe,:Hd.ft . t-h(ju not knowne i hajl thou not hea,rd that the ever– faRing God, the £or;,l, theCreator .of the ends of the .e~trth,fttinteth!tot, neither iJ rvea·ry? there is mfettr" ching ofhii U:ndcrflanding. The meaning is; I To us indeed the titneis long)either when.reward is deferred, prwhen the pun~fhrrient, 'or the exe– curionoffentence aga inft e.vill works is.dcferred.; but ~vith a,d-it isnot fo-. Now that which makes it feeme long t(j us, rs, . .. ' . . . ' '. ; I Partly the ·paffions, ana rdUefneffe ofdie rhind(for that iS>motiori)but:G'od)he jswitnou't·af motionor pa.fliori,and tHerefore nothing is'long. I z Againe, not only we are{ubjeclromotion, but the thing~ that we have 'todoewith,they are · fubj@&C9'motii.)n,and pa.ffe il\vay,and:·.rltJerefore ' they feerne ·Jong to'_u's ~ fortime>yo111know is n0thingdfebutthe mea fure offi)Otion,and there- ' fore where there iSmotion, therc'.is.time, and ao · Where elfe. N'ow tO tlS thatare inmotion, and tO j 'Ithe·things' that wehave to. do~· witb, arthoul;tnd l yeere~ a:e a t~ot:tfand yee~es; but in.Godtb~re is no mouoo, nor flUx ; and t~erefore a·thoufand . . yeeres