Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Tb4 Etern#J of (jo •· ____ , __ much at i~; FOf ~ tho.~:~f4nd Jeett.fJrJithhiN, •re1~~ ~ 'ne d"'J..· . If G1tl be eterna11, th~ confider withwhoqt Yft 3• . youhave to doe, @V en with himwh<;>fe loveand Confider you · enmity are eternall,with him,whofe foverargnty !~;h ':;:;, and power is eternall: ifaman be angry, wee r~· wbofe 1\>veand: g.ard it the lelle,ifwe know it is but far a fit; but cnml are e.. 'confider what it is to have todo withhi~whofe tern love and enmity ,are eternall. Therefore Iearne, · · not to regard men as wee doe, but to. r~gard the Lordonly,and that in thefe ~hree refped:s :: I Learne to- trufl the Lord, and not man, for And therefore God is an everlafiing refuge, P{al. 146. 3J4· Pfl.tnot .tir!l, touu!Hn , fJ • • • h fo ,p • h God, anli not yo11r trup tn Prtnce.r, nor tnt e onneo1 man, tn w sw · man. there 14 no helre, ([;'c. that which they c;an qoe for Pfol·l46• J:, 4• . you is bur for this lifeat moft;.truft inhim that is able to defend you for alletc;rnitie; fer he thac m&~~ heaven and ~nh, he~ cqpt~nqes fqr ~ver. This ufe you have ~adeQfit in!'[4-l. 9q. I. Lord, Pf4/. ,~·le .thouh6fl peene, ourh~bitt~tion for. ever anf! uper ~ as if he ilioql<l fay,L~rd;thou wait-an~abit~tion (th~t· i~~ ~ refuge, as our houfe is) to the <;purches,. thou w~{} fo iti 4 prahamf time; in !'ht~fo~tlu tim~• . Confider, that Qod isngt qpelyanhabitation to ~ 'bis Ch:urc;ll from gepe.ratiQn tog~neration, but alfo from everJafting toeverJafting. . · · 'l Learne from hence likewife to [rare him; Secondly, to · fit~rtbi,. that can caft /;odyandfouleilftfJhet( for ever: fcare hhn. h.i$ ete.rnity ffi9~ld g:~ake us t~ feare him·. F~t~'le :11Dt ma~, l[~i. s. I l, ~~~ w_by, .bet!-_ufoh.ef iJ of[h()rt lfai•s. x?,r 4• !tont.inuo?nce: amiif}J~ cw9ee~pu_ ctf1Y lmrr, it is . ·but for 'a fuort tirne, fpr he~ (hall b~ ~ad~as ~he · . . graffe;·