Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I J7i. Th--;:F,;erl1i!Y,;Goo. I ---- .graffe; but feare the .AimightieGod, who !d. id tbe R ea1:em, ttnd ftretched the f~undtttions of the earth. Vfe theLords arguments;they are the arguments d1atcan workeon the foule;it is ·che holy Ghofi:s argument why w·e Chould feare him,be_cauft! he is eternal!, as ·the oppolition in that place fhcwes • . yJo1m.,. .t1· 3 Labourtoforvehim, xloh,Z.I7· Theworld · ie~!~dJ;d ::d pajJeth awA-y 4nd the luft:t there~[, hut hee that doth •. todochiswiU. the wiUofthe Lord ttbides for ever; that is,the world– cannot make you toapide for ever, it paffeth aPfo 4· To,o1nfort ourfelves a– -c:Unft tbc mu– aability of ·things hcu:cs "~clow. - , way; ifyou fulfiU the lu!l:s thereof, ifyou fulfill your ownwi11:, you are not able to continue your {elves, but youwill paffe away: what lhould we doe rhe.n? why, fulfill rbewill oftheLord, confi-_ der w·hat l1e would haveyoudoe,andfoyou lhaH abide forever. IfGodbe eternal1,then we fhould Iearne hence 'to ·comfort-our felves, when\vee looke upon the mutability that we and all creatures are fub ject unto in this vale ·ofmifery, it is a thing that may .oomfort us exceedingmuch ; if wee ferve him who is con!l:ant,wirhout·change,who is eternall, thatcan make up the changes that we are fitbje~ -unto; it is theufe tbat is made of it, in PfAI. to2. ztfol.Ic,.,u,u. 11, 12. MJ dayu A-re like A fbad1111that declineth, ~tnd I Am withered like gr~tfl ; hut thou, 0 Loll D, /hAlt endure for ever, and thy remembrance unto all generations.Whydoth bep~t thefe two together thus ? my ibadow, and GodJ enduring for ever, &c. as ifhe fuould fay,.this is mycomfort, that 1 though l amoff!lort-continuanc~, y-~t G9d 'With 1 -wkom I ·fhall -ltve forever, hee 1s eternal1, and abides ,