Preston - BT100 P8 1634

The · Eternity of Go n . . God is ,J..:;e Derd to thee, but t-o .hjm_, he overflowes-all .; it 1s the · · ofallrimc,3l'- phrafeufedinPfal•. ,9o. 5· Thotu4rrie.ffthemtt.w&y ·.· po~m f~a- .1-s with 4 jtaud, they Are M fheepe, &c. that is, all , fons; and wee · arc not tC> times ar.efuhje& to him, he over-reaches them, Iookeon ·time a.nd makes them longor tbort,as it pieafeth h-im; to come as .-he-is not only in himfelfeetemalJ, but hce is the ours. , ?fol. jo. 5· Lordofall, and hecdifpofeth all times, and appoints the feafons to every thing: ifhee be thus, then take heed of looking upon fu-turetim~s, as thine owne;thou breakefi innmv upon the Lorels prerogative, if thou Iooke upon future times as thine,and fayell: witb the richman in the Gofpef, nowfoule tA-te thyrefl;tbis is facrilege againft God. It is,asifa man tbouid fay,I havethreethoufasd acres ofland,when he bath not three foot, or ifa manJbouid fay,I have three tboufand pound,and · hatb ·not threepence. It is theufe made ofitin J-mt-s 4.1 3 jx 4 •\ I Ames4· I 3, 14. G~e tfJ niP' yu thAt [AJ, to Jay, w to mqnrolf!, rreefllillgse intofoch aCitie, &c. Where- . -: asyeeought to fay,iftheLordwill, we lhalllive, ~nd doe this or ·that, . ifhce vv ill give us leave to come in upon his ground. This phrafe is om:: of : ufe withmariy men,as clothes that are out ofufe, weare unwilling to weare them; bu~ ChrifN.tn1 fhould bring them into ufe againe, an~ fay,ifthe· L#rJ pleafe; let them labour todoe this in.feare· and trembling. Thou fhouldft thus thinke of time, thou ibouldfi lookeupon it, ~sona larg(! , fidd, givenby God, andnothing ofit belonging . orherwifeunto thee; andlookewhat gtcund the - ~ LQrd Gqdgives thee,thou art to fow feed in it,and · ~ply it tofcekehim,tbatthoumaycftr~ceiveaa · harvc ' . . . - ....