Preston - BT100 P8 1634

L The· BternitJ of Go D. abides forever. It is as ifthe k>eame fhould rea– fonthus; though I am brickle and fading,ye_r the Sun that rnaimaines me,abides for ever~or,ifthe · ftreame fhould re~fon thus;though I may bedri– €d up in Summer, yet the Fountaine that main- , taines me cominqcs for ever : So,thoughmen be fubject tO< change, yet the Lord, that maintaines– them,is immqtab le,and abides for ever.•You that have the.Jifeo[Chrift inyou, have the beginning. ofthis eternity ;.and though the old building be pulJed downe, yet yon·have a buildmg not f!Jade fllith hd,nds, eternall in theheavens; even as when falls off, another comes on : and what tthough the outwardman periili? yet the inward man growcs daily more and more,till it come to perfetl:ion •.This is not onrya comfort to-us, but alfo it is a great motive,and we fhould ufe it as a great argument to-God; tbatbecaufeweare firb- . jeet .to change, yet becaufe he is immutable, 1 theref~re he{h<?uld pelpe us, P.(wl•. toz. 2·6 1 27. '~rJ1c; 'Hi~J:Vtn.r {httll n;~Jx. of(),, 41 doth 11 ga;Pment, Put · thoil ·endureftf(}r eier and ever; therefDre ca.fl: mee noto~in theniidfi ofmydaycs : as ifh~ tbo'uld fay, Lrw4, thou b;t!l: time enough to befl:ow,thou ·a"P fuH rl_Pe.terqiry·; thehei\iet;s rh:ac fe~fue· ro'be of Ion~ c8ntinuarlcc, yet are ·a6thing to thee; therefore I pray thee to ·fill up m_y waius, and - m3;ke me et~rnall with tqee; fo pec~ufe thou iQ• ...b~hite:fl:<: etern'i-ty, · rherefore comfort m~e, !foi. :f1~'r5~. ·S~ei·ng Goil i's :eternall ; 1earne hence i:o know tfiat he is tbe-Lordbfall time. . · · · Do.~ nqt thou.l()Oke upontim~as belonging . to- . . ~ . ~-..··. '