Preston - BT100 P8 1634

GODS NA-ME AND · ATTRIBVTES. -. . .,, .H ·E ·B RE-VV E s I~ ·~ 6~ . -· ~ • ._ ' i llee that commeth to God, muft that God u, t_~nd that bee is a rewarder of fhem · thatft~ke him. .~ .. ~ , · Aving undertaken .to goe thorow the whole body of 1heo!, I will firft give y0u a .briefe definition of the thing it felfe ) . which we call Divini– tie, it is this; 1 · It if that heavenly ' wifedome or forme of 'Yhat Tbeelo– who~efo'me words, revealed by the Holy Ghojl, in the- £•e. Scrtpture, touchi11g the know/ed~;e of God, ~tnd fJj B '{) ·ur .""'