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t ' · 1 Cor.:., 13. That Goo u. , l . . I , our [elves,. whe_re!;y wee are taught the way to eternait 1 l ;t; . - , . . ') • I t 1 e• . . · . 'f'" .I call it-[heavenlywifedome] for, fo -H: iscalled · I Cor.2. 13. Thewiftdomewhichwee~each, iJno.ti~ thewords, 111hich mans wiftdome teacheth, but wkieh the Floly G~ojf teacheth~. So like~if~ the ApofUe in another place, The forme of wholefome Jvords;thar is,that,or comprehenfionof wholefome delivered ~n theScripture• . Now it-differs fr'8m-f>ther·Syft:emes,andbo– dies ofSciences: I Becaufe it is-rev_ealed tiOcyi ahove)all other . knowled~eisgitheredfiom things below. 2 Againe; all other Sciences are·t<Wtg_ht b~ men, but thjs is taught by the Holy Ghoft. . ~ All9tlk/ knbiJ1e'Jg~ is tlelivered in rhe writings ofm~n,put t~·is is· revea!~d t~ the l holy: Word~fGod5'w1uch was wntteQ ~by G,o n himfelfe,thollgh men were the mtqi~tpeP; . ofit>therfore,I adde th~r,to d1-rt:1ngJ1i11 if from . 31H othe.r S:c.ienc€&~~tf~t; It is nofYt'P,lJfl~fl}y n;;e'!, but /Jy.the Holy Ghoft.;npt in _hookes ulri'tte~:.f;y~en,bui, in the holy Scripturls; 0 - In t-he next placet ad·de theobje&,abo!itwhkh this wifedorrie is converfanr., itis,theknrlrdec(~eof · God, .waofourfelve.J .Ancl f6 it is likewife·difrin– guifued from all:other kno_w1edge; ,whichbath fome other object. It is ~he kno_wl~dgeofGed, that is, ofGod, not firnply,_con[l~-e-red;, 9r·a:bfo,. ~ Imely, in his Effenc~, but·as hee is in reference and relation to·us. A,ndagaine,itis riot fimplythe know-ledg~ of\ . our .~~-=---~--------------------~--~~~---