Preston - BT100 P8 1634

-~- 6 . 1 , Thet Ct.lnfide· i ration of the · originall of all thingi,provtd ! I . . · 1 Bytnema· · king ofman. That man was made. . That Goo it. 1· - s Thecombinationand dependance that is amongthem. · · 6 Tb.c impreffionsofskill and workmant11ip that is upon the creatures. All \v hich argue that there is aGod. . There remaine three other principall argu.. ments to demonfl:rate this: The confideration ofthe Original!ofall thbtg.r which argues that they mlifl: needs be made by God,the maker ofheavenand earth;whichwe wil make gqod to youby thefe three particulars: ~fmanwas madebyhim) for whom all things are made, then it is ccrcaine that all other things were madealfo. For theargument holds; Ifthe befl: things in the world mufl: have a beginning then furely thofe things that are fubferving, and fubordinate to thcm) much more have a beginning. · ' . I N9w that man was madebyhim,con!ider but this reafon; · The father that begets,knmvs not the making ofhimj[he mc;>ther that conceives,knmves it nor, . neither cloth the formative vertue,(as we call it) j that is,that vigour which is in the materials that · fhapes,and fatbions, and articulates thebody in the\vomt}e, that knowes not what itdoth. Now it is certaine, that he that makes any thing,mufl: needs know it perfeCl:ly, and all the part of it, though the fl:ander by maybejgnoramofit. As for example ·; he tbat makes,a fiatne,knOivcs ho;v every particle is made, he that ma'{CS aWatch, or a. ny ordinaryworke of Art, heknowes-aii the~- . . juncrures,