Preston - BT100 P8 1634

- ThAt Gon it. jttntlures,all thewheeles, and commHfures ofit, orelfe it is impoffiblc thathee lhould make it: now all thefe that have a·hand in makingofman, know not the makmgofhim, nor the Father,nor the mother; nor that which we call the forma- .tivc vertue, that is, that v_igourwhich is iri the materials,whichworkes and falbions the li>ody, as tbeWork-man cloth a fiatuc, and gives feve– rall limbs to it,all thefe know it not:therefore·he , muft needs bee made by God, and not by man. See how the Wife-man to this purpo(e reafons, Pf~l. 94· 9· Hee that made the eye, fha!Jheenot foe t bee thAt mAde the eAre, /ball not heheare i &c. that is,he that is the maker ofthe engines,or organes, or fenfes, orlimbes of-the body, or bee that is makerofthe foule, and faculties of it, it is cer:– taine that he muft know, though others doe nof, the makingof the: bodyand foule,the turnings of thewill, and thewindings ofthe underfianding. Now none ofthofcftbrec·know it, neither the fa~ tbcr nor mother, nor that formative vcrrue, for they arebmas penfils in the band of him that d<>th all; as the.penfill know'es not ~hat it doth, though it drawes all, it is gr1idedby the hand ofa ski! full Painter, elfe it could doe nothing, the Painter onely knoweth what hee cloth. fo thc'lt formative \ie_rtue, ,th:tt vigour that for:nes the body of a m~nthatknowesnornorewhat it ' doth than tbepenfill cloth, but he in whofehand it is, who fet.s)t onworke, i~ is he that gives \'i– gour, and vert lie to that feecl mthewombe,from ."·hence thebody israifed,it is he that knowes it, B 4 for 7 Pfo~9+9•