Preston - BT100 P8 1634

.. one another;.yet all confpiring in this, to wor– fbip a God,it mu·fi needs argue that there is ~ne: ,· for rh is Jaw ingraven inevery mans hear&, you will grant itis.a workeofNatureatleafl, ana " the.workes ofNamre (;}re not in vaine; even as, whenyou fee the fire to afcend above the aire,it argues that there is a place where it would reil:, thoughyounever faw it;and as (in wiflter)whcn you fee the Swallewes.flying toaplace,.though you never·faw the place, yet you muft,n~eds ga~ " ther ,that.there is one which nature bath appointed them,andbathgiven them an infiinCt: toflie .unto, and there to beat refr, fow~enyou fee in j everymans fouJe fuch an infiigation to feek God I· though-menrrever faw hi:m,andthemoft go the I .wronge way to feekehim, and take that for God · w.hich is not, yet this argues there is a Deitie I which they intend. And this is the third. j , . The l~fr arg,um~nt is taken from the fouie of 3. . .ma-nJ :the fafho~-z ofit. and the immertalitie ofit. . . ';fhefametruth I F . n. d . r d l . d t', h. ts proved by · u u, Go IS 1ay to 1a ve ma emttn 1t_ 1 t er t.r the foule of owne lmag,e; he cloth not meane his body, for man. rl1atis not·madeafrerthe Image of God, neither· t . is it only that lJolineffewhichwas created in us a11d nmv left: for then he would·not have fayd Gen. 9.6. He that fhecls mans blo:-sd; by man fhall his Gen 9 , 6 • ' · ~oud bee fhed; for in the Image of GoDmade he l man. The principallintentof that place is(for l o~ght I can fee or judge) the Scripture fpea– j kmg of the 1:1atural fafhion ofthings>and nor of / the fuper~aturall gra-ces ) to ·exp reif~ that Godharhgntena foule to man, that carnes the · Imaac · --------------------~~--------~b----~