Preston - BT100 P8 1634

16 .... Thae G· o n il. ImageofGod,a Iikene£fe to the ElfenceofGod immatcriall, immortall)invifible; for there is a double Image of God in the foule,one inrhe fub.. ftance ·ofit, which is never loft; another is the fupernaturall grace, which is an Image of the knowledge,holineffe,and righteoufnefie ofGod; and this is utterly loft. But the foule is the· I– mageoftheeffence.ofGod (as I may fo.fpeake) · that is,it is a fpirit imrnateriall,immortall,invi– fible)a~ he is, bath underftanding and wilJ, as he hath l he underftartds all things>and wils what– foever h~pleafeth. And yflu fee an expreffion of him inyour owne foule, which is an argument ofthe Deity. . . ' Secondly, befides the immortality·of the fouJe, whichargu€s it came not from any thing here below, but that it bath its originall from God; it came from Ged, and to God it muff re– tume; that is,it hadnot any beginning here, it . had it fromhim, and to him againe it mtdl: re– turne.For what is this body, wherein the foule is? it is.but the cafe ofthe foule, the iliell and fheath ofit; therefore the foule ufeth it but for a time, anddwels in it,as aman dwels in a houfe while it is habitable,.but when it is growfte rui– nous,he departeth: the foule uferh the bocly,as a man cloth a veffell,when it is broken he laies it afidei or as aman cloth an infl:rument,whileft it will be ferviCeable tohim~butwhen it is no lon– ger fit toplay upon,he cafl:s it aficle;fo doth the foule as it were layaftde the body: for it is but as a garment that a man ufeth, when it is worne ~ · out ....