Preston - BT100 P8 1634

ThAt Goo u. fon) the object ofwbich is all the truths that are delivered in the world,and~hatf<'>ever h~t~a be– ing. Now take all things that wee are fatd to_be– Ieeve, and they alfa:are things thA.t are, which are thetrue-~bje6ts ofthe underftanding and reafon. But the underfta.ndii?gha~hob je[ts oft.wo forts : · I Such~s we may ea lily perceiv~, as the eye ofman doth the objeet that isbefQre.him•. .2 .£uch as wee fee wi~h mQ,~edifficulty, and cannot do it,without fornething~bove the eie to elevate it: As the candle and ~hebigneffe of it, the eye can fee; but tokno~: the bigneffe o,fthe Sunne, in the latitude ofit,you muft hav~inftruments ofart to fee it,and you mufi: meafure it by degrees, and fo fee it : fo is it here, fome things weemay fully fee by reafon alone, and thofe are fuch as lye before us, and them wee may eaft– ly fee: bur other things there are, that though they are true, yet they are more remote, and . further off ; therefore they are harder to bee feene; and therefor~. wee mull: have fomething to helpe our underftanding to fee them. So that indeed, Faith is but the lifting up of the un– dedlanding; by adding a new light to them and it: and therefore.they are{aid to berevea/ed,.not becaufe th~y were not before, as ifthe revealing of them gave a being unto them ;. but even as a new light in the night difcovers tous that which we did not fee before, and as a profpe6Hve glaffe ,reve<tles:to the eye, thatwh.ich we could not fee before,a,ndbyjts. q~nep.ower,theeye could not reach unto : So that the way to fl:rengthen our · · C 3 · felves