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----- --- -------: ------~----I ·.'fhae Goo, u . .f fel~es by this argument, is to,beJeeve the Scrip.. rures,and the things contained in them. Now you. £hall fee,)yhy wee are to beleeve the Scriptures; but this wee mufl:-lea.vetiU the · next time.Wewill now come to fome·ufeofthe p0int) for wee are not to difmiife you.without · 1ome application, but wemufi:.infer.t fome ufes · here and there.. · v[e 1 ~ When~ yoa heare tnef~ A'rgumerits, p·rovihg Toftrengthen this eoncluf.i0n, that there ua God, the ufe you this principle, · fuould make ofthemJs,.to labor daily to fireng-, lhat there is a J Godmore in then our faith in this principle,and to ltave aneye our beam. atGod in al our ac:tions:for-this is_the reafdngiven in the Text,whyone man~omes to·G()d, becaufe heebeleett'esthat hee u; and·another doth not, be- . caufe,he beleeve~ it but byhalves; ifthey did bek t I I . Jee\'e this fully, tliey wou~d ferve Go o with a perfea h~arr. What is the rcafon, that MoftJ . hreakes-thmowall impediments?he had tempta~ \ tions onbotlmdes;,profj>erity&· ~referment o_n · '\the one fide, and adverfi ryand affhtt~Qns on tlie , orner, yet hee paflhh thorow w·ealtnand pover... \tie~ honourandditbonour; andgoe:> firaighton 1in theway to heaven, andthe reafonis added in l the Text, becatJfc hee {arv him· that was invijible:; i 1\ even f0s ifyo\l d1d fee.him that was i?v itibl~,t~_e G o 11 \veenow fpeake o£ as you ~ee a ~11an tl;ar fi:ands before you, your ·wayes would bee more even; and wee tboLildwalke with him more ~p- · I . rightly than we doe, if~~·e did b~u- bei~eve~ tbar . he thatfil~ the-lieaT.Jenan'de~rth~ as:he ttithof.l :b1mfelfc, fer. --3· 24. · _ I · Some ,1':'-~......-.--.-.. ~----------:----- f